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The complex planetary nebula at bottom center is VBRC 1 in the southern constellation Vela, the first of seven planetary nebulae discovered in 1972 by a team at (mostly) the University of Toronto using the red and blue plates from a survey of a portion of the southern Milky Way. Here is the one-page discovery paper, from which we see that the name "VBRC" is probably the initials of four of the authors' surnames (Van den Bergh, Barnes, Racine, and Coutts). The VBRC planetaries are not very well known even though some of them, like this one, are quite nice. This is one of the few color images of VBRC 1 ever produced.

At the top of the image, a mere 20 arcminutes from VBRC 1, is a nice open cluster, Pismis 3, discovered (along with 23 others) in 1959 by Armenian-Mexican astronomer Paris Pismis. (For more information on her, visit the Wikipedia entry under her name). The nebulosity on the left side of the frame does not have a name.

This is an HORGB image with a total exposure time of 5 hours, captured with a 0.5-meter astrograph at the Chilescope observatory. It has also appeared in print, on page 78 of the July 2018 issue of Australian Sky & Telescope.